A family owned business since 1960 that specializes in the American Saddlebred breed. We can teach you how to become a pleasure rider, to a world…
Retired and do What I want to do when I want to which is be around my horses all the time, My first and only real Love.
We are located only 22 miles west of downtown Chicago next to the forest preserve, which furnishes 189 miles of trail through forest, lakes and wetlands…
Dressage and event barn
Sarah's Stables offers horseback riding, horse trail rides, pony rides, ponies for parties ( your place or ours ), pony rentals, horse rentals, petting…
Boarding,Trail Riding, Breeding, Sales
Indoor/Outdoor riding Facilities, FREE TURNOUTS weather permitting, Stalls nice & cleaned with shavings, TRAIL on property, Horses fed morning and…
Lovely barn. 1,200 acres of private, wooded trails. Large, shady pastures with run-in. Large outdoor arena. round pen. Trailer parking. Pasture…