Union Hill Bathing Horse Products

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MVP Electro-Cell II Paste

MVP Electro-Cell II Paste

Electro-Cell IIPaste provides fast, convenient replacement of electrolytes for horses at times of rigorous activity, competition, sweat, stress, travel, or sudden change of environment. Electrolytes help to maintain the proper balance of salts and minerals for optimum performance.

Balanced essential electrolytes

  • Includes Glycine, Magnesium plus Direct-Fed Microbials (Probiotics)
  • Guaranteed Analysis: (Per 30 ml): Glycine, Min 0.83% (250 mg); Calcium, Min 0.38% (115 mg); Calcium, Max 0.58% (174 mg); Salt, Min 20.3% (6.1 gm); Salt, Max 22.3% (6.7 gm); Sodium, Min 8.0% (2.4 gm); Magnesium, Min 1.67% (500 mg); Potassium, Min 11.3% (3.4 gm); Direct Fed Microbials, Min 6 billion CFUs CFUs (Colony Forming Units)

    Feeding Directions: Provide 1 serving (30ml) twice daily, repeat as needed.

    Size:??60ml - 2 Doses

    From $13.34
    MSRP $13.75
    Save 3%
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