Horse and Equestrian Hoof Brushes

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Troxel Dakota Duratec Western Helmet - Turquoise Paisley

Troxel Dakota Duratec Western Helmet - Turquoise Paisley

Hit the trails in the coolest and lightest trail helmet on the market. Period. The Dakota's extended sun visor provides extra sun protection for your face while the excellent ventilation and lightweight construction will make you forget you're even wearing a helmet.

Key features include: NEW Turquoise Paisley graphic; SureFit ProHat band and concho detail; Extended sun visor; Mesh-covered vents; Matte Duratec finish; Low profile; Extremely lightweight: FlipFold removable washable headliner; Pro Headliner color is BLACK

From $91.99
MSRP $91.99

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