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Back on Track Therapeutic Mens Cotton Poly Leggings

Back on Track Therapeutic Mens Cotton Poly Leggings

The long johns offer relief for groin problems, superficial hip pain, or the cold sensation sometimes associated with bladder or prostate problems. For women, they are also worth testing to relieve period pain.

In relation to hip pain, we have seen good results when the problems are linked to the superficial muscle and tendon known as the tensor fascia lata.

Womens boxer long johns are made from a smooth and thin fabric. The mens version is made from a ribbed fabric that is a little thicker than that of the womens model.

The ribbed fabric is more elastic and is less sensitive to the choice of size. The mens ribbed garments can, however, be used by both sexes.

Color - Black

From $57.00
MSRP $57.00

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