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Horze De Gogue Aid Reins

Horze De Gogue Aid Reins

Encourage your horse to learn self-carriage with the Horze De Gouge Aid Reins.

Made of leather and rounded nylon cord this training aid fastens to the extended breast strap with clips from three points; the poll, neck and mouth to form a triangle. This aid is designed to encourage the horse to use his muscles correctly for proper self-carriage.


  • Encourages the horse to use his muscles correctly
  • Made of leather with nylon cording
  • Fastens to the extended breast strap with clips from three points; the poll, neck, and mouth to form a triangle.
  • Useful for flatwork training in a variety of disciplines

    Usage: Training aid only. Introduce gradually. Beginners should use this aid only under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Carefully use by the experienced trainer.

    Care Instructions: Open buckles and wipe clean with damp sponge. Do not saturate with water or chemical cleaners not intended for leather. Leather cleaner and protector may also be used.

    From $69.99
    MSRP $69.99

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