Posi/Negi Commercial Grazier Netting

Powerfields Posi/Negi Commercial Grazier Netting

At 48 tall and 164 long, this Positive/Negative Commercial Grazier Netting effectively protects and contains poultry, dogs, pigs, sheep, and goats. 14 horizontal lines with 13 double-spike step-in posts. Semi-rigid vertical stays provide stability and help prevent drooping between posts. To prevent electrical shorting during weed growth, the bottom line is non-conductive. Stainless-steel conductors will not rust. Graduated horizontal spacing from 3 at the bottom to 8" at the top. Orange/green.


  • 5 Year Manufacturer Warranty
  • Model # P-NPX
  • Roll measures 48" tall x 164' long
  • 3-1/2"vertical spacing
  • Contains animals including poultry, goats, large dogs and llamas
  • Also helps protect animals from predators
  • Use a Low Impedance Fence charger (not included) with a minimum of .25 joules of power per net. Additional power will provide a more memorable experience for the would-be predator. Always keep fence electrified if erected.

    Item Components: 14 horizontal strands with 13 double spikes step-in line posts | Repair kit