Sore No-More The Sauce is a horse liniment combined with povidone iodine for rain rot, scratches, and skin fungus anywhere on the body and thrush and abscesses of the hooves.
Made in USA.
Directions:Clean the hoof thoroughly, then apply evenly to frog/sole area or wherever there is thrush, infection, traumatized tissue, or scratches. May be used daily if necessary. Can also be used as a topical leg brace, astringent, or leg paint.
Sugardine mix:
Slowly add to 1/2 cup of sugar and mix until thick and creamy with an even consistency. If mixture becomes too thin, just add more sugar.
Ingredients:Proprietary extract of witch hazel bark and leaves with the following common herbs: arnica (Arnica montana), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), lavender (Lavendula officinalis), lobelia (Lobelia inflata), and PVP-iodine (povidone iodine 1.99%)
* *Ingredients listed are for informational purposes only and are subject to change by the manufacturer. Always refer to the manufacturer and actual product label/inserts for current ingredients, recommended dosage, precautions and warnings before use.