Thistle and Her First Day

Lady Thistle Thistle and Her First Day - Book 2

Based on a true story, this book is a tribute to Lady Thistle and the beginning of her adventures. In a cozy horse stall, at Waterdam Farm, Lady Thistle takes her first breath and sniffs the air of her new surroundings. The first day of a foal's life is busy as she learns to stand on very wobbly legs and drink her mother's milk. But exciting sounds-of nearby horses, the farm dog, and cats outside the barn keep her ears occupied and Lady Thistle isn't focused on eating. Polly knows her tiny filly needs to nurse and get the nutrients she needs, but she's just so distracted! The farm family and the veterinarian are attentive and offer a helping hand to ensure Lady Thistle starts off on the right hoof.

Lady Thistle, the Horse Book Series. Beautiful illustrations by award-winning artist Steven Lester and equine veterinarian contributions.


  • Series based on true life of a baby horse
  • Farm located in western PA, editor: "Intriguing look at life on a horse farm"
  • Professional award winning illustrator
  • Nationally recognized publisher
  • Educational components by Apryle Horbal, VMD, board certified equine vet
  • 2024 Farmtastic book in the state of PA

    About the Brand: When a baby horse was born in our stable, we witnessed the bonding between mom and child. The baby would be called Lady Thistle, sired by Lord Shanequil. We wanted to share this experience and educational information about horses and farm life with youth. We are pleased to share Lady Thistle with young readers via a series of 20+ books, a clothing line, collectibles, accessories, and more.

    About the author, D.H. Anderson. Working with horses for the last 30 years is more than just a hobby; its a way of life. Donna grew up just outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, near Waterdam Farm, the Lady Thistle book series setting. Donna loves and cares for five horses on her property, inspiring her to document their chronicles as a picture book series with the hope of

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