Horse Tack and Supplies

Myler Medium Baucher with Low Port Comfort Snaffle MB 04 Bit

Myler Stainless Steel Medium Baucher, MB 04 Low Port Comfort Snaffle, Level 2

The MB 04 is similar to the MB 02 in that it will rotate on the tongue and apply tongue pressure, however, it has a small (") port that introduces some tongue relief to the horse. The port allows the horse to swallow and move his tongue when he is moving forward and relaxed, which acts as a release or reward. The mouthpiece is curved, and it wraps around the bars and lips instead of pinching.


  • Independent Side Movement
  • Stainless Steel Mouthpiece
  • Curved mouthpiece does not pinch lips and bars
  • Copper Inlay
  • USEF and FEI Dressage Legal. Consult rulebook for more information.

    Also known as a hanging cheek because the bridle attaches at the purchase, the Baucher is typically used for dressage. The fixed cheek keeps the bit suspended in the horses mouth and prevents it from sliding around in the bridle, giving the rider more control over the mouthpiece than a traditional loose ring. However, the reins remain free to slide. When engaged, the reins will pull back on the cheekpiece and mouthpiece, as well as rotate the purchase forward slightly, creating some poll pressure. Even though it has a fixed cheek, the Baucher is still considered a direct rein action cheekpiece because there is no leverage or curb action.

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