San Antonio Woolen Felt Western Saddle Pad

TuffRider San Antonio Woolen Felt Western Saddle Pad

The TuffRider San Antonio Woolen Felt Western Saddle Padis a sensible choice for any western rider looking to give their horse total comfort. Made of compressed felt, the San Antonio provides ultimate shock absorption for your horse's back with generous 1 inch thick felt. A derivative of wool, felt provides ultimate breathability and keeps your horse dry and cool all ride long. Great for horses that have high withers, this pad features a cutout at the front to allow for wither clearance and spinal comfort. Durable wear leathers protect the felt's edges, prolonging your saddle pad's life.


  • Felt
  • Breathable
  • Wither Cutout
  • 32"x32"
  • 1" Felt
  • Imported

    Size:??32" x 32" x 1"

    Product Information
