Shapleys Original M-T-G Conditioner

Shapleys Original M-T-G Conditioner

Great for any skin problems: fungus, rain rot, scratches, sweet itch, mane/tail rubbing and growth, dry skin, and bug bites. Mane-tail-groom is safe for dogs, cats & livestock. Perfect for cold weather use. For skin problems, apply directly to area to be treated. Leave on and reapply once a day until skin problem clears up. For mane/tail growth, apply to crest of mane/tail bone and leave in. reapply once a week for conditioning and growth.

Ingredients:Mineral Oil, Sulfur, Glycerin, Zinc Sterate, Rectified Oil Of Cade.

Size:??32 OZ

Product Information

$21.50   (save 31%)

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