Tek-Trol II Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate

Tek-Trol II Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate

Tek-Trol II is a high-foaming, synthetic disinfecting detergent that provides broad-spectrum kill of Gram-positive and Gram-negative micro-organisms, provides effective cleaning and disinfecting in one operation, is nonflammable and nonvolatile in use dilutions, has excellent solubility, and dilutes in hold, cold, soft or hard water of up to 1,000 ppm water hardness. Formulated to provide heavy-duty cleaning, wetting and penetration of soils and organic matter and easy rinsing of surfaces. Recommended for use on ceramic and glazed tile surfaces, stainless steel, aluminum, chrome, galvanized metal, glass, and other nonporous surfaces such as treat wood, polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), polystyrene, vinyl, fiberglass, viton, ethylene propylene, nitrile, acrylic, and polyurethane. Suited for disinfecting and cleaning all areas of veterinary facilities, kennels and in poultry and turkey barns, breeder and laying operations.

Poultry house grow-out operations and hatcheries: Use in hatchers and settlers, evaporative coolers, humidifying systems and ceiling fans, live haul equipment, chick bussess, transfer trucks, trays, coop washing, polyethylene chick boxes, foot pans and feed bins.

Equine facilities: Use in stables, stalls, breeding and foaling areas and transport vehicles.

Active Ingredients: Ortho-Phenylphenol.....24.8% | Ortho-Benzyl-para-chlorophenol.....13.2%

Size: 1 Gallon

Directions: Add 1/2 ounce per gallon of water for all areas of veterinary facilities, kennels, poultry barns, breeder and laying operations. Important: Follow all label directions.