Horse Tack and Supplies


The RESCUE!WHY Attractant Kit works inside theWHY Trap forWasps,Hornets&Yellowjacketsto lure nearly twenty species of stinging insects. The two-week supply includes three attractants that work together inside the trap. Wasps, hornets and yellowjackets enter through either the top or bottom holes and get trapped.

Pet Safety: RESCUE! W-H-Y Traps do not use any killing agents or poisons. The product relies on luring the pest insects to the trap where they cannot get back out. Eventually, the trapped insects will expire on their own.The heptyl butyrate and the butanol can be strong eye irritants and mild skin irritants. If there is eye or skin contact, then wash thoroughly with clean water and if irritation persists then see a doctor.

Product Information

$161.59   (save 9%)

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