Equilibrium Therapy Standard Massage Pad
A lightweight and portable massage pad, clinically proven to improve back flexibility and promote relaxation. The Equilibrium Horse Massage Pad was developed through clinical trials at Myerscough College, UK. The innovative design provideseffective, affordable equine massage.Proven to improve backflexibilityandpromote relaxationin horses, theEquilibrium Massage Padwas created to help a successful ex-racehorse through the retraining process. Combined with theEquilibrium Magnetic Back Pad, the horse went on to pursue a new career in Endurance!
- Clinically proven to improve back flexibility and promote relaxation.
- Shaped to follow the contours of the horses back, providing coverage from withers to quarters.
- Battery operated 30-minute sessions.
- Three different, easily adjustable programs allow you to choose the intensity of the massage.
- Perfect before exercise as part of the warm-up.
- Fits a wide range of horses and ponies.
- Easy to fit, clean & store with a modern & practical carry bag.
- High-performance battery & universal charger.
- 2-year product warranty.
- Contains 1 x Equilibrium Massage Pad, 1 x Equilibrium Bag, 1 x Equilibrium Battery, 1 x Equilibrium International Charger.
Product Information