White Equestrian Tack and Strap Products

Our equestrian tack and supply store has thousands of horse related items for you to browse and compare prices between several online tack stores.

Find Western and English tack, riding apparel, horse vitamins & supplements, as well as a collection of horse toys and gifts.

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SuperQuilt Childs High Profile Close Contact Saddle Pad

SuperQuilt Childs High Profile Close Contact Saddle Pad

A great combination of fabrics make this our most popular saddle pad! High quality Medallion polyester fleece top is combined with a thick layer of breathable/wickable polyester batting quilted to a brushed 100% cotton fabric. Unlike saddle pads that use foam fillers which retain moisture and hea, the SuperQuilt will wick away moisture and ventilate constantly to keep your horse's back cool.

From $94.95
MSRP $94.95

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