Adjustable Breastcollar Tug

Martin Saddlery Adjustable Breastcollar Tug

The Martin Saddlery 24" long Breast Collar tug with a snap offers convenience and ease of saddling. It also features one clip, a buckle for adjustment purposes. 1" x 24" Breast Collar Tug.

In 1998 Dale Martin Saddlery also came on board to provide high quality hand-crafted saddles and leather tack. Now known simply as Martin Saddlery the company prides itself on the intricate detail and craftsmanship employed to create beautiful durable products. The leather goods produced by Martin Saddlery utilize the finest raw materials ensuring endurance and dependability without sacrificing fashion or tradition. Martin Saddlery is known for working with trusted respected professionals and trainers to help make a difference in their horses.


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$42.25   (save 9%)

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