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Huntley Equestrian Sedgwick Fancy Stitched Square Raised Laced Reins

Huntley Equestrian Sedgwick Fancy Stitched Square Raised Laced Reins

Made from the finest imported English leather from J.E. Sedgwick & Co. Ltd. in England, these Huntley Fancy Stitched Square Raised Laced Reins compliments any Huntley Sedgwick Bridle. Traditional Laced reins include beautiful fancy stitching on the square raised section, full wrap around billets, stainless steel buckles, stainless steel stud hooks, hand made keepers and lace finish off the look of this very high quality Huntley laced rein.


  • Sedgwick Leather Construction
  • Fancy Stitched, Square Raised Design
  • Hand Stitched and Hand Finished Edges
  • 5/8 Inch width
  • Stainless Steel Buckles
  • Hand Stitched Hook Studs
  • Available in Sedgwick Conker and Sedgwick Australian Nut Color

    From $159.99
    MSRP $175.99
    Save 9%

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