Breeding quality AQHA, NFQHA quarter horses, concentrating on the dun gene. Our horses are conformationally correct, athletic, smart and willing with…
We are a small breeding operation, have 3 to 4 quality colts per year. We focus on disposition and foundation lines in our program. We are bringing…
We are slowly working on building a small herd of horses. Some of the breeds we plan to have available are AQHA, APHA, ApHC, and Fell Ponies.
Cee Heart Quarter Horses was awarded SDQHA 2017 Producer of the Year!!! We are celebrating our 41st Foal…
Located in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. We are semi-retired from breeding Friesian horses. Our focus now is to produce 2-3 premium foals…
Specializing in training beautiful black or blue roan mostly overo paint or quarter horses but other breeds also to be extremely gentle and fit for…
We are a working cattle ranch and we raise the kind of horses we like to ride: cowy, sane, quick, trainable, sturdy. We love the bloodlines of King…
We are family owned farm and horse breeding operation. We've been breeding, raising and selling horses for over 30 years. Fischer Farms is the home…