Roxy is ready for a home. She is 10 hands tall. 4 yr. old. This is the friendliest of all the donkeys we have right now if you want a pet. Leads pretty…
SOLDKissN MF Karma is a registered Cremello Morgan filly. Handled daily, Karma leads, ties and lunges. Karma is good for the farrier and good with clippers…
SOLDMeet Roxy!! If your looking for the one that is going to be the whole package, look no further! This 2 year old has brains and color! This little lady…
SOLDRoxy is a 12-year-old, 15 hand, Draft cross mare. She is broke to ride and drive. Under saddle she is as gentle as they come and suitable for any level…
SOLDRoxy: Coming 4yo grade sorrel mare. Stands 13.3hh. She will probably grow a little taller and top off around 14.1hh. Great little horse with a good…
SOLDThis is "FOXY ROXY", a really unique and stylish CLYDESDALE QUARTER HORSE CROSSBRED MARE that is broke to ride and drive. She is gentle, well mannered…
SOLDMeet Rockin CherokeeMaiden, affectionately known as Roxy! This stunning 15H tall mare registered 2009 APHA Red Roan Overo, with a proud heritage tracing…
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