Specializing in larger gaited Tennessee Walking Horse's with great minds and the ability to preform in many different avenues in life. We mainly sell…
We are a small farming operation in Southeast, Kansas producing athletic, trainable, good minded Quarter Horses for most of your ranch needs.
We are a small family farm in Kansas, breeding AQHA and Andalusian and Azteca horses. Our horses are well loved and we strive place anything we produce…
At Hawthorn Hill Fox Trotters, we value disposition, conformation, and correct gait to create the perfect all around horse. We have horses for sale…
Breeder of APHA All-around Performance Horses
Home of Aintscaredofthedark , breeding, training, lessons, showing and selling of performance and halter horses.
Three Stallions to choose from. Breeding for puissance jump, aptitude for piaffe and passage, a good gallop (forward sensitive horses) with super…
We have added a small horse breeding operation raising registered quarter and paint horses. We have a stallion that we will be offering for…