Chris is a USDF Bronze Medalist successfully competed through Prix St. George. She was certified as a ARIA Instructor and Centered Riding Instructor…
We are a small farm.
We train and rehab horses who have been abuse and mistreated. No horses leaves here that cannot be ridden bareback with no bridle. We pride ourselves…
In the heart of Fairfield County, you will find a unique & family oriented horse farm where you can enjoy the pleasures of riding and experience a…
Dressage, Eventing, Centered Riding, Basic H/J, qualified lesson program, Kids and Adult Show Teams, Clinics, Boarding, Training, Summer Camp, Vaulting…
Travelling riding instructor and trainer. Discipline of focus: Combined Training - Pleasure - Trail - Problem Solving
Natural Hoof Care, Classical Dressage Training and Instruction
Dressage Training