Horse Sales, Training/Boarding, Lessons, Clinics, Horse Evaluation
Have been raising Quarter Horses for over fifty years. Plan to retire. ALL my horses but three favorites have been sold. Now I sell horses for Becky…
For more than 20 years our Quarter Horse farm has been breeding horses with one goal in mind: THE ULTIMATE QUARTER HORSE; Quarter Horses with a…
Located in Northeastern Oklahoma for many years raising beef cattle , aqha &APHA performance horses. Also , home of some great little aussie…
Running and Cow Bred Quarter Horses and Blue and Red Heeler family and working dog's!
We are a working farm raising excellent quality Australian Shepherds, Haflinger Horses, & Angus Brangus Bulls located 30 minutes north of Tulsa, OK…
We offer reasonable lesson and horse training. We do not use harsh tactics to MAKE a horse do something, we believe in making a horse want to do the…