25 + years as a trainer,have held cards in A.Q.H.A. PRO.HORSEMAN,EQUINE APPRAISER ASSO.,OKLA.HORSE RACING COMMISSION-GROOM. Started 1990 world champion…
I sold everything I had about 4 years ago and just now got some acreage. Looking to get a couple good horses.
it is a very nice building i really dont have a horse i just did this to get one
We are a family 40acre ranch from Cheyenne Oklahoma. Raising Quarter Horses & Herford cattle since 1931,formly called the J-N Ranch.. Mike Nunn..
were beginning to look for horses to buy. we are new to the horse thing. a family of four with 2 small children.
this is not a farm i wanted to just make an account because i was trying to look up something