Independent equine trainer with 16 years horse experience. Certified equine veterinary assistant and licensed equine massage therapist.
Dedicated to breeding Shagya sport horses from the finest imported breeding stock. Specialize in purebreds and crossbred with Trakehner and Thoroughbred…
Pet Pedia Info is a pet resource that attempts to answer questions ranging from choosing and purchasing a pet to detailed instructions on its care…
Glenwood Farm is a top-level, full-service equestrian business. We specialize in providing a thoughtful and individualized approach to the training…
Windridge Farm offers a safe, structured and caring environment for beginner, intermediate, and advanced english equestrian hunter/jumper rider development…
Chrislin Farm is located at 14862 W. 143rd Street in the Southwest suburb of Homer Glen, Illinois (about 45 minutes from downtown Chicago). Chrislin…