Breeding Foundation Appaloosas for 40yrs+ Always some quality Appaloosas for sale
Tex is a 6 year old John mule with lots of color. He is 14.2 hands tall. He is broke to harness or ride. He shoes, clips, bathes and trailers great…
thoroughbred/quarter horse training operation
Located in southwestern Missouri town of Billings. We have horses, beef cattle, hogs, poultry and an assortment of ducks & geese. We sell 5x5 round…
Beautiful horse property for sale with a total of 12 acres. House, 2 1/2 car detached garage with a half bath. 50'x50' metal building, gravel floor…
We are a breeding ranch dedicated to breeding Friesians, and cross breeding quality friesian sport horses. Our goal is to produce quality, sound horses…
We are a small pony farm that produces quality Welsh and Half Welsh ponies.