Western Performance Prospects by World Champion Sires since 1997.
Breeding, raising show Arabians, National Show Horses and Pintos. Standing 2 stallions, black Arabian FADL ATTRAK-SHUN and homozygous pinto Saddlebred…
Standing at stud: Dixons Thunder Bar We strive to raise quality paint horses with good body and bone that are athletic, intelligent, and easy to…
We raise Paint horses out of bloodlines of STRAIT FROM TEXAS who has over 2000 APHA points and serveral APHA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN Steer…
Shotgun is a very good and quck barrel horse. He won lots of rodeos with me. I have won 300,000 on him barrel racing. His fastest time ina small arena…
Hi im Sydney sears with an 8 year old gelding name Pocker Face for sale. Poker Face is trained for barrel racing. I have won National barrel racing…
Performance Quarter horses for family / ranch use that you can show any day of the week.