Lifetime Certified Equine Appraiser (Tana Shryack) Over thirty years in the horse industry. Appraising any type breed or discipline of horses for…
I really don't own a farm yet, I'm an aspiring equine specialist and don't own my own company yet.
Arabians Ltd. has enjoyed 33 years of incredible success in the horse industry by consistently breeding Egyptian Arabian horses sought globally for…
Family Owned and Operated, full care facility 15 min northeast of historic downtown mckinney, 15 min to Lucas and 20 to Allen, Over 30 years experience…
Deluxe Quality Horse Boarding in the middle of horse country...Aubrey, Texas. Large 12x12 stalls, turn-outs, huge covered lighted arena, hotwalker…
Boarding, Rehab, Conditioning, Clinics, Training. AquaTred, EquiCizer, arena, round pen, 4000 acres to ride.
my name is Kayci, i am 16 years old, i have been breaking and training horses for 3 years now and riding horses since i was 2 years old.