Specialized in starting young horses. Able to travel to your farm, or you can board at ours (only available during late spring/summer/ early fall…
Private 3-stall eventing farm, no stalls currently available
Cavalry Forge Sporthorses is a specialized breeding and training facility for Knabstrupper Sporthorses and Irish Draught Sporthorses. Our horses receive…
Established in 2003, Bonnie Lorenzen has been involved in raising Pinto American Saddlebred horses in Frederick, Maryland. We are now retired from…
Ally Schultz is a USDF Bronze Medalist (Silver Medal coming soon on her TB/QH gelding) and has produce horses and clients up the levels in dressage…
Welcome to Cool Breeze Equine where we develop happy athletes for competition and recreation and confident riders with effective tools for communication…
A loyal family of dedicated equestrians who love our horses and our adventures with them. We strive to be innovative, creative, determined, and fearless…
A small thoroughbred breeding farm located in Mt. Airy, MD