Riders Up Farm is a quality horse boarding facility in beautiful Middle Tennessee. Our philosophy is that horses are members of the family and should…
Curriculum based horsemanship lessons and boarding
Horses serve as powerful guides on the path to authenticity. Their acute sensitivity to energy and their desire for congruency in those around them…
I started riding very young and developed a passion for it very quickly. I have competed in A level hunter jumper shows all over the east coast. I…
Show, Raise and Sell Tennessee Walking horses, Spotted Saddle Horses and Quarter Horses.
We are a full-service boarding facility who caters to retired horses, endurance riders, competitive trail riders and pleasure riding.
Calamity Jane (nick named ''Chica'') is a beautiful black and white SSHBEA/TWHBEA mare. If you are looking for a sound lady's ride - you found her…