Horse Sales and Training. Specializing in working ranch horses and ranch performance horses. Cater to all breeds and budgets. Professional ranch performance…
Driving and Riding horses.
at martin satbles we raise, train and sale galited horses and Quarter horses for show and trail. we always use the gentle breaking method. we also…
Certified Equine Massage Therapist From Hocking College; Specializes in : Aromathereapy, Accupressure, Colortherapy. Still Attending College For Equine…
Hens' Haven has been my dream of raising purebred Brahma bantam chickens. We currently have five varieties, Lights, Darks, Buffs, Blacks, and Partridges…
Our family provides a Retreat for both horse and horsemen to develop their foundation skills in an engaging, safe, and productive manner - while…
Small Appaloosa breeding farm in the rolling hills of Kentucky