With over 30 years experience as a horseman, and over 20 as a professional trainer of gaited animals, I have what it takes to help you and your horse…
Located in Sparta, Mo
World Champion POA & AQPA Ponies from a well conceived linebreeding program. Only the Best to the best, then back again when it's time! The "tree…
we raise wonderful appaloosas with lots of color, from old foundation stock
Where we enjoy life with all of our horses, ponies, dogs, cats, chickens, and cattle.
We're located in the heart of the Ozarks in beautiful SW Missouri. We are raising ponies of all types, gaited, stock type and sport type ponies in…
boarding, lessons, show coaching, training, local and away shows. Indoor, outdoor, 16 stalls, day turnout, covered round pen, Rogersville MO
Hand Made Rasp Spurs/Horse Shoe Spurs and many other metal works! JRs Gentle Hills Custom Metals. www.jrscustommetals.com Future standing of the…