we stand 3 stallions and have 12 brood mares. we sell colts with good pedigrees and dispositions that are awesome...all of our babies are imprinted…
Shotgun is a very good and quck barrel horse. He won lots of rodeos with me. I have won 300,000 on him barrel racing. His fastest time ina small arena…
Hi im Sydney sears with an 8 year old gelding name Pocker Face for sale. Poker Face is trained for barrel racing. I have won National barrel racing…
With over 30 years of experience, and 1200 horses trained, Tad is offering his knowledge through lessons. From beginner to advanced, Tad can help…
We have many paint and quarter horses. We love to do the barrel racing and are always looking for prospects. We stand 3 Standardbred stallions through…
Located in BROOKINGS, SD. Please e-mail me at oscar4h@hotmail.com.