We specialize in Appaloosas, Paints, and Miniatures. We have two Paint Stallions and two Minature stallions. Also specializing in training, lessons…
I specialize in gaming, barrel racing and pole bending. My focus is on safety and FUN! My place or yours. My horse or yours. I also offer training…
Our Services include but are not limited to Riding Lessons & Trail rides Training & Retraining Quality Horses & Ponies For Sale & Lease 540…
Here at Griffinsburg Equine LLC our focus is on breeding quality Thoroughbreds, based on pedigree, conformation, temperament & soundness. Many breeding…
Full care board & Training board available at private laid back farm. Indoor arena with dust free footing and mirrors, outdoor arena (full size dressage…
Two full time teachers raising pastured chickens and ducks for eggs and meat in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Forage supplemented by non-GMO feed…