We specialize in the Sales and Training of the Friesian Horse
We are a family owned and operated farm located in the beautiful mountains of southwest Virgina. Our horses have some of the top names in the quarter…
Small farm in Fairfield County, SC. Breeding and Training quality, cow bred , roan QHs. occasionally offering for sale. Also, offer limited training…
Raising quality foundation bred quarter horses. Our breeding program focuses on intelligence, conformation correctness and an eagerness to learn…
Rocky Mountain, Kentucky Mountain, Mountain Pleasure & American Gaited Mountain Horses... If you are looking for a horse to carry you comfortably…
Pleasure 8.4 acre horse farm. Includes two story farm house, 6 acres fenced pastures, two barns and property circumference trail for riding.
Located in east TN ajoining the Cherokee National Forrest. Sitting on many acres in a valley with an elevation of approx 2500'. Home of DESIGN BY…