We are a horse motel bed and breakfast for travelers. We also sell good horses fitting the rider to the horse.
Three Stallions to choose from. Breeding for puissance jump, aptitude for piaffe and passage, a good gallop (forward sensitive horses) with super…
Our goal is to breed beautiful family horses that are also athletic and smart. It is very important to us that our horses can be handled by anyone…
We're a drama free, family friendly, full service farm, offering: lessons, sales, and training in western, English, and gaited breeds. We strive to…
Located in NE OK, we raise Gypsy Horses (cobs/vanners) Leo Son of Lion King CR stallion at stud, youngstock and riding gelding for sale.
We are a family farm located near Salina, Kansas. We raise cattle, wheat, milo, soybeans, and alfalfa. We enjoy showing our 3 horses in 4-H and…
We are located in SC Kansas. We are an hour SW of Wichita, KS and 70 miles N of Enid, OK.