Heyden Quarter Horses is a family owned and operated horse breeding and training facility. Through years of experience we have selected for an all…
Breeding, raising show Arabians, National Show Horses and Pintos. Standing 2 stallions, black Arabian FADL ATTRAK-SHUN and homozygous pinto Saddlebred…
Specializing is Horsemanship Clinics & Workshops, colt starting and problem horses. Concerts, Group Tours and Cowboy Christmas Held Annually
We raise Paint horses out of bloodlines of STRAIT FROM TEXAS who has over 2000 APHA points and serveral APHA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN Steer…
Performance horse breeder
"Performance At Its Best"
Breeders of show-quality APHA Homozygous and Informative Tobianos as well as Quarter Horses! Standing Twist N Boogie.