Small family farm.
Clydesdale stallions breeding for saddle and sport
A small Gypsy Vanner breeding and show ranch located in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, focusing on conformation, the famous gypsy mind, and the…
We professionally show and train our own miniature horses. We currently show in the American Miniature Horse Association and the Pinto Horse Association…
The trust between horse and rider begins with the rider. We offer lessons and training in horsemanship, trails, mountain trail, extreme trail and…
Warmblood, TB, Shire Sport horses in Oregon. We prefer quality over quantity. Your desires are our goals.
We are a FAMILY operated ranch. We do horses because we love them. All horses are stalled for winter and let out to enjoy the fields in the summer…
My training philosophy stem from classical dressage, borrowing from the minds of my mentor Carolyn Eddy, Dr. Thomas Ritter and ground work from Bettina…