Stone Mountain Stables is a boarding facility/lesson program located in the heart of Central Pennsylvania. Only minutes from the Pennsylvania State…
Polo lessons for all levels. Professional instruction for adults and ages 8 & up. We teach from the beginning and provide horses and equipment. We…
Horseback riding lessons, trail riding, pony parties, carriage rides, summer camps, all in the past. Ponies looking for forever homes. We also raise…
C and M farm is located just outside of historic Sharpsburg, MD and one mile from the C&O cannal. We offer lessons in both english and western and…
we specialize in breeding,western pleasure training, breaking and starting young horses
we have 12*12 stalls, heated wash room and bath room. an outdoor and indoor ridding ring wooded trails.
Breeders of top Friesian Horses. Imported foundation mares are out of Leffert Pref, Feitse Pref, and Onne.