Appaloosas breeding facility located in western North Carolina.
"Star" Is a Quarter horse, and is 5 years old. I need to sell her her owner left to mexico. And has no Trainer. She has won several races.
from Charlotte take 74E to left on Indian Trail/Unionville Rd. Take next left on Younts Rd. Farm is on rt 1/4 mile.
Boarding stables. We have 33 stalls with fans fly control,stall mats. We live here.2 round pens,2 lighted rings.
We try to give some of the unfortunate creatures a chance to heal and trust again. They cannot help their owners ignorance has left them timid, broken…
We offer lessons, sales and training at Last Chance Ranch.
Breeding quality appaloosas, and offer our stallion to a limited number of outside mares.