I run my own embroidery business here at home where I have 5 horses. 3 arabs; 1 which has cancer & is just a pasture buddy, & 1 arab that is a rescued…
Raising and showing quality Modern Pleasure and Classic Shetland Ponies.
custom horse training
Barn under new ownership taking on a few boarders that will clean there own stalls / food (Hay & grain) provided to horse 2x a day.
Breed high quality old blood line saddlbreds that are good for any discipline. Not your typical high strung horse.
I have been following Clinton Anderson's Method of training for about the last 5 years. I am a riding instructor also, mostly focused on one-on-one…
We breed Curly horses for pleasure, work, and competition.
Wild Rose Farm is based in Walworth, WI and is state of the art Dressage training facility that exhibits an array of sustainable building practices…