347 Acre Farm For Sale - Winchester, KY see website for full details
Eventing and basic horsemanship riding program based in Louisville, KY. Owner/Operator/Trainer: Angela Ariatti Through goal setting and good horsemanship…
Second Stride is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization providing professional rehabilitation, retraining, and placement for retired thoroughbred…
English and Hunter Jumper horseback riding lessons for all ages and experience levels. Indoor and outdoor arenas provide year round enjoyment.
Prudential Parks and Weisberg Realtors 295 N. Hubbards Lane #102 Louisville, KY 40207
We offer riding lessons for the beginner or the advanced, pleasure or show. Full service boarding and seasonal horse shows. Reasonable rates.
6,12,18 Week Horseshoeing Courses, with Internship Program. Hands on ALL aspects of Farriery, with the Best Instruction. Visit us on the Web for all…