Our goal is to breed beautiful family horses that are also athletic and smart. It is very important to us that our horses can be handled by anyone…
Been working with horses for four years, we use Natural Horsemanship and believe in working with horses as individuals. We are very easy to work with…
*Donna Boyles Barrel Racing Cushing, Oklahoma 918 352-4656
We are a Christian couple that break and sell horses. We also break horses for individuals at a low cost well-below most professional training prices…
We Train rope horses for the public and we train and sell a few horses each year. Andy has a ranch job and uses many of the horses we sell. I day…
Located in Northeastern Oklahoma for many years raising beef cattle , aqha &APHA performance horses. Also , home of some great little aussie…
Raising horses with good personalities and exception bloodlines. Cutting, Reined Cow Horse & Reining horses.