Offering riding lessons and summer horse camps for the ages 7-14
Awesome AAkers is one of the few co-op boarding facilities in NJ. It is a family friendly farm located in Eastampton, South Jersey. The farm offers…
I do not have my own farm, but I have been riding since I was 5 and am now the captain and president of the Mary Baldwin College Equine Team.
State of the art boarding facility on 500 acre historical Quail Roost Farm. Features 2 all weather rings(one lighted) w/jumps, dressage ring, cross…
LongView farms boarding/training/sales Private estate located on 50 acres. LongView Farms offers beautiful, green, rolling pastures with safe white…
Equestrian Center, full service boarding, 100x200 indoor arena
Located in eastern VA we strive to have quality horses for the whole family. We have a small training and lesson program focusing on strong foundations…