Rider of 15 years looking to work some horses.
cody is a wonderful mount for a junior or amateur adult. He is a great confidence builder. He professionaly trained in Huntseat and Dressage. He is…
cow breeding pig breeding chicken and duck and draft horses
providing evaluations, massage, cold laser, magnawave treatments for injury, lameness, maintenence for equine, canine, and people at your barn
Course Brook Farm is a beautiful full-service equine boarding facility, situated on 60 acres and conveniently located less than 20 miles from Boston…
We are family owned and operated by a NYS Licensed Veterinary Technician. Established in 1992, we strive to produce both quality conformation, as…
horse sales .horse trade ins ,training showing ,boarding ,cattle sales too, work horses ,QH, TBs,Paints, Minis,family safe trail;we stand a beautiful…