White Oak By Invitation Only, "Ianto". This pony is one of a kind. He is a 14.0 1/2 5 year old. He has a white blaze, left hind sock and front left…
Polo lessons for all levels. Professional instruction for adults and ages 8 & up. We teach from the beginning and provide horses and equipment. We…
Three day event rider and trainer with over 15 years of experience. Sarah has trained with some of the top three day event riders in the industry…
US agent for black Lipizzan Stallion Neapolitano XXIX-18 who is successfully competing GP in The Netherlands, and 5599 Maestoso Mefiszto the black…
The Last Frontier Farm is a comprehensive combined training facility operated by International Event rider Sharon White. Located between the Allegheny…
Horse farm 10 stalls 12 acres