Miniature Horse Farm in the Ozarks of NW Arkansas. Affordable minis for sale.
I specialize in hunter/jumper training with an extensive background in equitation and a smaller background in dressage. I love training horses and…
Horse, Mules, Training, etc.
P.O. Box 414 Talihina, OK 74571 918.917.0377- Cell 1 918.942.8064- Cell 2 918.567.2068- Home Thank you for taking…
#1 camping resort in Oklahoma. 32 rv sites with piped pens, 6 luxury cabins with barns. Trail ride the Ouachita National forest.
Producing foundation, performance ranch type horses for most any performance event.
Based out of Northwest Arkansas, Lauren uses principles of natural horsemanship to develop horses and riders as partners in the hunter, jumper and…
Beautiful Silver Bay Gelding, 3 yr, jumps and has been started in harness