Drew McDannald Show Horses in operation since 2006. We train and show Arabians, Miniature Horses and Shetland Ponies for clients all over the Midwest…
We're located in the heart of the Ozarks in beautiful SW Missouri. We are raising ponies of all types, gaited, stock type and sport type ponies in…
Call or e-mail to see if we are offering any other horses at this time. We are located in S.E. Kansas, about an hour and a half east of Wichita.
Horse and cow ranch
Training horse and rider in basic natural horsemanship technieques from roundpen to despooking and lots in between. Geared to train your horse for…
Dog Trainning and Field Trials
We mainly breed horses to have speed. Our bloodlines include Pacific Bailey, The Ole Man, Doc's Prescription and Dash for Cash.