Breed and raise AQHA for working showing breeding and all around soundness
Breeder of warmblood sporthorses since 1993, including Oldenburg, RPSI, and Dutch. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date prices on our…
Breeder of Modern Belgian Horses. Our foals display lead horse action and are show quality. We breed for conformation and temperment. Our foals…
TRAINING * Provide your youngster with a solid foundation * Increase the potential of your companion and athlete * Solve training and…
Here at SisterAct Equine, we enjoy taking in ill thrift or injured horses and nursing them back to health with the intention of finding them a new…
Standing at stud, Spider Oak. We have been raising his sons and daughters and show them as they come of age. They have not dissapointed us. We do…
Kirsi is originally from Finland and has studied horsemanship with several horsemanship masters from all over the world. Her own horsemanship journey…