Standing AQHA Incentive Fund Stallion "Docs Charger". Many half siblings and cousins are running barrels, poles, racing, being roped off from and…
We are a small scale breeding facility. After the 2014 breeding season, we will no longer be offering our stallion's services to outside mares.
Here at Phreedom farm we have two trainers, one working in English and one working in western. Both have years worth of experience breaking horses…
We are dedicated in producing fine quality Gypsy Sport Horses and Rare Caspian Horses, with incredible temperament, conformation and athletic ability…
14 year old paint mare around about 15hands broke to ride good for light riding as is slightly foundered in right front asking rehoming fee of 100…
Rock Acres is in a barn remodel but we are still accepting horses i have one open stall but have room to make more if needed.
Full care boarding, training and riding facility.