Whispering Pines Equestrian Facility

Equine in
Vero Beach, FL

Teaching basic horsemanship to children and adults, western riding at all levels, barrel racing and games, western performance, showmanship, beginner English and all around horse knowledge and care. Round pen work, arena/rail work, ground games, trail rides, obstacles, and bonding activities that teach the rider and horse to be methodical and calm to always get a positive response and goal achievement while building a partnership. Can work with problem horses, trailer loading, desensitizing and getting a quicker desired response every time.

Specialized Disciplines

All Around, Barrel Racing, Beginner, Competition, Ground, Lesson, Natural Horsemanship, Trail Riding, Western Riding, Youth, Horse, Horseback Riding, Training, Boarding, Leasing

Services Offered

Rate: $/Day
Trail Access
Guided trail rides at the Sebastian Buffer Preserve
Other Services
Horseback Riding, Riding Lessons, Riding Clinics, Has a Riding Arena
Contact Whispering Pines Equestrian Facility at:
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